To blog or not to blog.

I’ve been kicking around the idea of starting a blog on this webpage. I mean, I do love making soap. I love picking out ingredients, I love making recipes, choosing colors, designs, embeds, themes. I could just ramble on about soap. And I do. I did it this evening at Thanksgiving at my mom-in-laws. I can’t help myself.

So yeah, I think it would be a good outlet for me to test out and see what happens. I am constantly pitching ideas to my husband, and going on about what oils or butters would make my idea the best idea I can make. He gets tired of me droning on about it, but I do it anyways. Ok, constantly. Even to the cat.

I am not sure how this is going to go. Will it be consistent? Probably not. I am just not a linear thinker when it comes to design. I will go on a tangent, then another one, then change my mind maybe 20 times while I’m in the creative stage. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy to follow my process, because sometimes I bog myself down in the minutia of it and I can’t get out of that hole until the next day or two. Creativity isn’t pretty, at least not for me. But I’m willing to talk about the good and the bad, and probably the ugly too.

Let’s just see what happens.


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